New Year, Same Resolution: Break the Cycle

resolutionsIs your New Year’s Resolution this year the same as last year? And the year before that? Want to finally lose the weight? Fit into your skinny jeans? Eat better?

Break this viscous cycle, people, I’m getting dizzy.

I’m all for New Year’s Resolutions (setting goals for personal improvement is never a bad thing) and I don’t even have a problem with waiting until January 1st to make the change (the holidays are stressful enough- I get not wanting to give up your chocolate just yet) but what I do have a problem with is people making the same, lofty resolution each year (I’m going to lose 50 pounds!) and think they’re done. That’s just step 1. HOW exactly do you plan on doing that?

It always reminds me of an episode of The Office where Michael Scott, the lovable doofus of a manager, after finding out how dire his financial situation is gets the entire office’s attention before shouting “I DECLARE…BANKRUPTCY!”

Simply saying it out loud doesn’t make it so.

If you are a vague Resolutioner, who will proudly repeat your resolution to anyone who will listen but can’t answer the follow up question of HOW, we’ve got you covered. Check out the following resources for not only creating a realistic resolution, but how to actually follow through with it and finally make this year YOUR year.

Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Making Your New Year’s Resolution Manageable

Building an Exercise Habit that Sticks

How to Maintain Your New Years Resolution

The Real Reason Your New Years Resolutions Fail

What’s your resolution this year? More importantly, how are you going to make it happen?

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